Daniel a présenté I Felt the End Before It Came à travers l’Amérique du Nord et a parlé des effets néfastes du contrôle coercitif au sein de diverses communautés religieuses et ailleurs – en politique, dans les relations sociaux et au travail. Il a participé à des lectures, des panels, des entretiens et des ateliers d'écriture créatifs.
Daniel has presented I Felt the End Before It Came across North America and has spoken about the harmful effects of mandated shunning and coercive control within various religious communities and wherever else it lives—in politics, in relationships, at work, and at play. He has participated in readings, panels, interviews, and writing workshops.
2025 >>>>>
MONTREAL, March 3: Vanier College, Women's & Gender Studies Major Certificate Program
This event is closed to the public.
ONLINE, January 25: Ex-Jehovah's Witness Book Club (UK)
This event is closed to the public.
MONTREAL, January 29: Church of Books, with Michelle Syba at Westmount Public Library
Westmount Public Library
7:00-8:30 pm
2024 >>>>>
MONTREAL, November 10: Connecting Voices, 2024 ABC-CSA Conference
Jamming the Signal: Navigating Writing and Publishing As A Person Who Stutters
Le Nouvel Hotel
Salle St. Mathieu
1740 René-Lévesque Blvd O.
1:15 - 2:15 pm
MONTREAL, November 5: Lecture and workshop for creative writing students at Champlain College Lennoxville
This event is closed to the public.
WINDSOR, October 19: Windsor BookFest
Corner of Church and Elsewhere
With Leslie Shimotakahara and Renée Bondy
2:00 - 3:00 pm
TORONTO, September 29: The Word on the Street
Church of Books: How Literature Can Disrupt Fundamentalism
with Michelle Syba and K.R, Byggdin, moderated by Blair Hurley
10:30 - 11:15 am
Queen's Park, Toronto
NEW YORK, September 12: Nonfiction For No Reason
With Delali Ayivor, Jet Toomer, John Englehardt, Lindsey Trout Hughes, Kristin Dombek, Anastacia Renee, and Lilly Dancyger. Hosted by Katie Lee Ellison and Jessica Lynne
Book Club Bar
197 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009
7 pm
NEW YORK, September 11: Bureau of General Services, Queer Division
With Nathan Xie, Richard Mirabella, Kyle Dillon Hertz, and Christopher DiRaddo
The Bureau
The LGBT Community Center, 208 W 13th St #210, New York, NY 10011
7-9 pm
Masking is encouraged.
NEW YORK, September 9: Miss Manhattan
Guests to be announced. Hosted by Elyssa Maxx Goodman
112 Avenue A, New York, NY 10009
ONLINE, June 21: Pride Literary Panel at Humber College
Discussion with Cheri DiNovo, Nick Green, Marcus McCann, and Michael Rowe, facilitated by Vince J. Carlo.
Friday, June 21, 12:00 pm Eastern
Microsoft Teams
MONTREAL, June 9: Quebec Writers' Federation Mentorship Program reading
Daniel will present the work of writer Emira Tufo.
Sunday, June 9, 2-4 pm
Bar La Marche à côté
5043 rue Saint-Denis
OWEN SOUND, May 24-25: Author talk and writing workshop, Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library
The author talk will be Daniel Allen Cox talking about his memoir, his writing process, and having lively Q&A with the crowd.
It will take place on Friday May 24, 2024 from 7pm-8:30pm.
The writing workshop will have Daniel Allen Cox hosting amateur, and experienced writers through his methods.
It will take place on Saturday May 25, 2024 from 1pm-3pm.
Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library
824 1st Avenue West
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 4K4
MONCTON, April 20-22: Frye Festival
Saturday, April 20, 8:00 pm
Centre culturel Aberdeen
"Beyond the Book"
In conversation with Annie France Noël, Sid Sharp, Boum, Éric Chacour
Monday April 22, 6:30 pm
Centre culturel Aberdeen
"I Felt More Sure"
In conversation with Dominique Leger, A. Light Zachary, Gerald Arthur Moore
MONTREAL, APRIL 10: Daniel Allen Cox will moderate the launch of Maurice Vellekoop's I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together, la Petite Librairie Drawn & Quarterly
7 pm,176 rue Bernard Ouest
MONTREAL, March 14: Lecture and workshop for creative writing students at Dawson College
This event is closed to the public.
EN LIGNE, 28 février: Panel en ligne: Présentations orales et bégaiement
Mercredi le 28 février de 19h à 20h30.
Cette discussion met en vedette quatre professionnel.le.s dont les carrières sont ancrées dans le domaine de la communication : Myriam Fauteux, superviseure en immunologie, Louis-Frédérik Gélinas, conseiller culturel, Daniel Allen Cox, auteur et conférencier, ainsi que Bérénice Edima, chargée de programmes.
Dans ce panel, nos invité.e.s partageront leurs expériences personnelles concernant la prise de parole en public, explorant la manière dont chacun.e a évolué dans sa relation avec le bégaiement. Iels échangeront sur les stratégies utilisées pour gagner en confiance lors des présentations orales, et offriront des conseils aux personnes confrontées à des défis similaires.
Lien Zoom : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86021199651
Infos au abcbegaiement.org
ONLINE, February 11: Let's Talk Panel—Stuttering and Dating
With Anna Nissen, Myriam Fauteux, Carolina Ayala, and David Marcotte, hosted by the Canadian Stuttering Association
2023 >>>>>
MONTREAL, November 30: Violet Hour with Suzette Mayr and Katia Grubisic, hosted by Christopher DiRaddo
Three writers, three readings, three interviews. Join us at the Casa D'Italia (505 Rue Jean-Talon E.) for an evening celebrating queer literature with writers Suzette Mayr, Daniel Allen Cox, and Katia Grubisic.
OTTAWA, November 28: Perfect Books with Marcus McCann and Glenn Nuotio
Join Daniel Allen Cox (I Felt the End Before It Came), Marcus McCann (Park Cruising) and Glenn Nuotio for an evening of reading and conversation.
Tuesday, November 28, 7:00 pm
Perfect Books
258 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1L9
HALIFAX, November 20: UKing's Literary Society (University of King's College Halifax)
Daniel will be reading from and talking about I Felt the End Before It Came.
Monday, November 20, 7:00 pm
Wilson Common Room
University of King's College Halifax
6350 Coburg Rd, Halifax, NS B3H 2A1
MUSQUODOBOIT HARBOUR, November 19: Steeple Green Books
Daniel will be reading from and talking about I Felt the End Before It Came.
Sunday, November 19, 7:30 pm
Steeple Green Books
26 E Petpeswick Rd, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS B0J 2L0
HALIFAX, November 18: Halifax Public Library with Ursula Mogensen
Daniel Allen Cox joins us to discuss his memoir-in-essays I Felt the End Before It Came: Memoirs of a Queer Ex-Jehovah’s Witness, the culmination of years spent reckoning with memory and a complicated past, and remaking the language of indoctrination into something queer and filled with possibility.
In conversation with Dr. Brenda Hattie-Longmire, scholar and professor at Mount Saint Vincent University. Question and answer session and book signing to follow.
Saturday, November 18, 2:00 pm
Halifax Central Library
5440 Spring Garden Rd, Halifax, NS B3J 1E9
TORONTO, November 16: Best Canadian 2024 series launch with Biblioasis
Join us in celebrating the launch of the Best Canadian 2024 series! The event will be hosted by series editors: Marcello Di Cintio (Best Canadian Essays 2024), Bardia Sinaee (Best Canadian Poetry 2024), and Lisa Moore (Best Canadian Stories 2024). We will hear from contributors from each anthology & books will be for sale.
November 16, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Supermarket Bar Toronto
268 Augusta Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2L9
OTTAWA, November 5: Keynote speech at the 2023 Canadian Stuttering Association conference
"Find Your Frequency": When stutterers and their allies embrace unique speech patterns, it's a way of questioning dominant cultural messages around fluency and disfluency. In this celebration of our most unusual frequencies, Daniel Allen Cox, author of I Felt the End Before It Came: Memoirs of a Queer Ex-Jehovah’s Witness talks about discarding the ideas of a perfection-seeking religious group, finding his voice as a writer, and otherwise jamming the signal.
The keynote speech will be followed by a book signing.
Keynote speech: Sunday, November 5, 2023, 9:00 AM -10:15 AM
Book signing: Sunday, November 5, 2023, 10:15 AM -10:45 AM
Pearson Ballroom, Lord Elgin Hotel
100 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON K1P 5K8
This event, running from November 3 to November 5, requires conference registration. More information here.
TORONTO, October 17: Out in Print - A Queer Authors Night: Telling Our Stories
A panel discussion, open to the public, with authors Daniel Allen Cox, Nancy Jo Cullen, and Brian Francis. Followed by Q&A and mingling.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Glad Day Bookshop
499 Church Street Toronto, ON M4Y 2C6
Reserve Eventbrite tickets here
VICTORIA, October 14: Victoria Festival of Authors (online)
Join four authors of literary and creative non-fiction as they read from their work and discuss the ethical and other challenges of writing in this genre – challenges that might be described as facing the consequences of writing not what, but who you know: yourself, your family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and so on. What’s at stake in trying to write the non-fictional truth about yourself or those close to you? Can it even be done, truthfully and ethically? Can you even know or try to anticipate what someone who becomes a “character” in your story will be troubled by or object to? And what if they are troubled or do indeed object? Where does your responsibility as a writer and as a person lie? If something is legally permissible, is it therefore morally permissible in creative non-fiction?
Curated by The Malahat Review and moderated by Iain Higgins. This Zoom Webinar will be captioned.
Saturday, October14, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM EDT
Reserve Eventbrite tickets here
ONLINE WORKSHOP, October 1, THIN AIR, Winnipeg International Writers Festival
A 90-minute, participatory workshop on figuring out when it's time to let you short-form non-fiction piece go out into the world.
Sunday, October 1, 2023 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
WINNIPEG, September 20 to October 18: THIN AIR, Winnipeg International Writers Festival (online)
View the premiere of a mini-documentary about I Felt the End Before It Came here.
MONTREAL, June 17, 2023: Meet & Greet and Book Signing at Indigo
Daniel Allen Cox will sign copies of I Felt the End Before It Came.
Admission: Free
Indigo Montreal
1500 McGill College Ave. Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J5
TORONTO, June 6, 2023: In conversation with Rachel Giese at Toronto Public Library
Daniel Allen Cox will launch I Felt the End Before It Came in conversation with Rachel Giese (Boys: What It Means to Become a Man). Question and answer session and book signing to follow. This event is part of the signature Salon Series, where Toronto Public Library hosts local and international authors, artists and thinkers in conversation about their new books and big ideas.
Tuesday, June 6, 6:30 pm
Duration: 60 minutes
Admission: Free
Toronto Public Library (Yorkville branch)
22 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto, ON M4W 1L4
Masking is encouraged. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please get in touch with Daniel to request a sign-language interpreter.
NEW YORK, June 3, 2023: In conversation with Sarah Schulman and Paul Lisicky at The Strand
Sarah Schulman (Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993), Paul Lisicky (Later: My Life at the Edge of the World), and Daniel Allen Cox discuss how they’ve explored the concept of friendship in their books. What are constructive ways for friendships to grow? What are the differences between loyalty and keeping your word? Can friends stay friends when they endure the same trauma but survive differently? The authors discuss what friendship makes possible for queer life and beyond.
Saturday, June 3, 7 pm
Duration: 90 minutes
Admission: Entry fee, or free entry with a book purchase:
The Strand (Rare Book Room)
828 Broadway 3rd Floor, Rare Book Room, New York, NY 10003
Masking is encouraged. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
Please get in touch with Daniel to request a sign-language interpreter.
MONTREAL, May 16, 2023: In conversation with Heather O'Neill at La Petite Librairie Drawn & Quarterly
Daniel Allen Cox will launch I Felt the End Before It Came in conversation with Heather O'Neill (When We Lost Our Heads). The onstage chat will be followed by an audience Q&A, a short reading, and a book signing. The event will also be livestreamed on YouTube and ASL interpreted.
Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 pm
Duration: 90 minutes
Admission: Free
RSVP on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/ZHDIHQg7
Livestream playback:
La Petite Drawn & Quarterly
176 rue Bernard Ouest, Montreal, Quebec H2T 2H2
Masking is encouraged. The venue is wheelchair accessible. The event will be ASL interpreted.
MONTREAL, April 29, 2023: "The Myths of Montreal" at Blue Metropolis festival
Montreal has a way of making people dream. A city of freedom, transgression, hope and new beginnings. If Montreal were a person, who would it be? Dimitri Nasrallah (Hotline) and Daniel Allen Cox (I Felt the End Before It Came) discuss the place of this city in their most recent books with Christopher DiRaddo (The Family Way).
Saturday, April 29, 2:30 pm
Duration: 60 minutes
Admission: $10
Tickets: https://lepointdevente.com/billets/fmb230429011?lang=en
Hotel 10 - Salle du Jardin
10 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal, Quebec H2X 4C9
Masking is encouraged. The venue is wheelchair accessible.